Valueguard Mortgage Stock Analysis

Insightful analysis to better understand risks and opportunities within your mortgage portfolio

Mortgage stock analysis is a powerful product group that provides in-depth insights into your mortgage portfolio, allowing you to identify risks and opportunities. The Mortgage Stock Analysis can be divided into three sub-groups:

Stock revaluation/stock valuation

Valueguard recalculates your mortgage stock at current prices using our more than 2,000 local price indices. This allows you to have an up-to-date value of your mortgage portfolio at all times. An alternative/complement to this is to use our automatic valuation model to get an up-to-date valuation of the portfolio

Climate analysis

Valueguard analyzes how different climate scenarios affect your mortgage stock. By linking to Valueguard’s housing register, your risk can be compared to the risk of the market as a whole.

Portfolio analysis

By analysing data from your entire mortgage portfolio, you can optimize portfolio performance and ensure better risk management. The service offers market comparisons to help you understand your position in the mortgage market and make strategic decisions for the future. The mortgage stock analysis can be integrated into your existing systems for smooth and regular data updates, giving you a competitive advantage.

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